A hotfix is expected tomorrow to restore access to around high-level content locked beyond the Curse of Osiris DLC, but the Prometheus Lens weapon won't hold upwards fixed until January.
Quite a number of Destiny 2 players were disappointed final calendar week when they discovered that around of the things they were used to doing inward the game were no longer doable, because they'd been locked yesteryear the increased score cap that came alongside the Curse of Osiris expansion. Not owning the expansion agency non having access to things similar the Prestige Leviathan raid or the Trials of the Nine mode. These exclusions felt peculiarly egregious given that both activities were work of the base of operations game, together with the argument also came on the heels of multiple other Bungie missteps.Today the dev squad took to the Bungie Blog to acknowledge mistakes have got been made, together with explicate how it's going to build clean upwards this latest mess. The solution is non going to brand everyone happy. Prestige-level activities were meant to "rise to the novel Power cap," the postal service begins, piece time-limited PvP playlists were "meant to evolve each season" alongside novel maps. Both of those cases demand ownership of the expansion, but neither have got been received good yesteryear the playerbase.
"The Prestige Raid was a novel sense that players value, fifty-fifty if they don’t ain Curse of Osiris, together with it was a fault to motion that sense out of reach. Throughout the lifetime of the Destiny Franchise, Trials has ever required that players owned the latest Expansion. However, for Destiny 2, Trials of The Nine launched equally work of the top dog game, together with hence it’s non correct for us to take access to it," Bungie wrote.
"To brand matters worse, our squad overlooked the fact that both of these mistakes disabled Trophies together with Achievements for Destiny 2. This was an unacceptable lapse on our part, together with nosotros tin strength out sympathise the frustration it has created."
The quote inward a higher house is a pretty astonishing admission of failure for such a high profile studio to make. That the changes broke sure enough in-game achievements from beingness earned no dubiety also landed the game inward hot H2O alongside the console manufacturers, which may have got accelerated today's response.
To rectify the issues outlined, a hotfix is coming afterwards this week—tomorrow, hopefully, next the scheduled maintenance—that volition choose the Prestige Leviathan raid dorsum to Power score 300, together with trim the score of its rewards to match, which volition brand it (and the associated achievements) available to all players.
The Prestige Nightfall volition remain at 330 Power level, but "The Prestige" achievement volition hold upwards changed together with hence that it only references the Prestige Raid, together with Bungie is "investigating adding a 3rd difficulty to all Prestige activities, together with hence that nosotros tin strength out supply both a challenge that stays relevant alongside each novel Expansion, together with a Prestige version that is available to all players."
Other aspects of the alter are considerably kludgier, however. Trials of the Nine events volition only demand Curse of Osiris ownership when it features Curse of Osiris maps; for other weeks, it volition hold upwards available to everyone. New seasonal rewards that launched alongside the expansion volition non hold upwards available to players who don't ain it, however. The same goes for touchstone Nightfalls: When a Curse of Osiris map is running, it volition demand the expansion, together with when it's not, it won't.
Time express events—Iron Banner, Faction Rallies, together with The Dawning—will hold upwards opened upwards to everyone, but again, rewards that launched alongside Curse of Osiris volition demand ownership of the expansion to hold upwards earned.
If you lot recollect that sounds similar an unnecessarily complicated, messy solution to a fairly elementary problem, you're non alone. Some players inward the Destiny two subreddit are unhappy because the ability score of around items volition hold upwards reduced to 305, which makes the Prestige raid significantly less rewarding. Several posts tell that the 3rd difficulty score Bungie mused close is the way to go: "This is a frustratingly obvious solution together with at that spot is no practiced excuse for why it was non the default decision," equally 1 pose it.
Unfortunately, the launch of the hotfix agency that the Faction Rally planned for tomorrow volition hold upwards postponed, "to ensure all of our players tin strength out access the activity together with appropriate rewards." And that's non the only thing that's going to choose longer than expected to arrive: Bungie also said on Twitter that the infamous Prometheus Lens weapon volition hold upwards nerfed to hold upwards "way also weak" to pose an terminate to the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation low-cal exhibit that's currently flashing all over the Crucible, together with won't larn a "proper, play-tested" adjustment until former inward January.
Given the brusk window nosotros had to brand an emergency fix, it volition hold upwards adjusted to hold upwards way also weak. In January, this novel Exotic volition have a proper, play-tested blueprint pass. (2/2)December 11, 2017