The Steam Summer Sale dates have been confirmed, and once again we have PayPal to thank. The online payment company revealed on Twitter today that the big sale will begin at 6 pm BST/1 pm ET on June 22.
That matches the date that leaked last month, when a screenshot of a Steam developers group post found its way to Reddit. As Shaun noted at the time, the 2016 Summer Sale began on June 23, so even at that stage the date seemed like a good bet.It’s official. The #SteamSummerSale starts 22/06 at 6pm BST and PayPal customers get an extra £5 off *terms apply. 20, 2017
To be fair, this isn't officially "official," but this isn't the first time PayPal has spoiled the surprise: Most recently, it dropped the dime on the 2016 Winter Sale. I've reached out to Valve for confirmation, just to be sure, but I think it's safe to say that this is it. Brace thy wallets.
(And since I haven't seen anything yet that even comes close to rivaling last year's fan-made Summer Sale promo video, let's watch it again.)