[Update] Nier Is Being Reprinted For PS3 In Europe
Posted by Bosedroid
Posted on April 30, 2016
Square Enix Europe has revealed it will reprint the PS3 version of Nier to celebrate the launch of its spiritual successor, Nier: Automata.
The European branch of the publisher's online store currently has the PS3 version listed for sale at £24.99. However, at the moment, you can only add yourself to a waiting list for the game.
"To celebrate the launch of Nier: Automata, Square Enix would like to reprint the cult RPG Nier, on PS3," reads a message on the product page.
Square Enix is likely waiting to hit a certain number of orders before actually reprinting the title.
Nier proved to be somewhat divisive when it was launched for the PS3 and Xbox 360 in 2010. While many criticized it for its bland visuals, it garnered some praise for its gameplay variety. Nier's soundtrack, story, and world proved to be its most memorable aspects, and a cult fandom has grown around them.
Its sequel, Nier: Automata, which was developed by Square Enix in partnership with Bayonetta studio Platinum Games, has been received much more favourably. In GameSpot's review it was awarded a 9/10, with Miguel Concepcion saying it "showcases Platinum Games' and Yoko Taro's unique blend of genius."
He continues: "Thanks to Platinum Games' knack for riveting and gratifying combat, Automata is Yoko Taro's most exciting game to date. The combat mechanics click after hurdling a low learning curve, and the end result is a skillful dance where balletic dodges complement wushu-inspired aggression.
"Moreover, this multi-ending trip is generously peppered with surprises and revelations, as well as easter eggs that call back to the first game and the Drakengard series from which Nier spun off."
Source: https://www.gamespot.com/articles/nier-is-being-reprinted-for-ps3-in-europe/1100-6449342/