- Crosshair
- Wallhack
- No Flashbang
- Skin Color Enemies
- ESP Box
- ESP Name
- ESP Line
- ESP Box 3D
- ESP Health
- ESP Skeleteon
- Aimbot Type
- No Recoil
- Ammo
- Anti Hit (Respawn)
- Auto Fire Super
- Damage Settings
- Soft Aimbot
- Auto shoot
- Anti Kick (blank Nick)
- Anti Screenshot (blank Nick)
- Semi Wallshoot VIP
- Hard Aimbot VIP
- Blank Nick random VIP
- Part Hit Aimbot VIP
- Lag if turn on capslock
- Kicked Out Lobby if throw grenade /Flashbang more 10+ /game
- Kicked Out Lobby if using autofire++ and damage sett
- after Login Create Training room and sett hack for avoid crash
Q : why some feature disabled ?
A :
1. download must from here (www.snapzevolution.us), dont download from another site
2. dont clean your computer with adwcleaner after download (clean just if finishing game)
3. dont restart computer after download (if using deepfreze/shadow defender)
4. Read carefully how to download
Q : why always get popup oudated if using hack ?
A : please check release date before download, every file just for 1 day
1. Download and extract file
2. Run game Launcher But Dont Click Start
3. Replace File / Paste ogg.dll at folder game
E:\SF2\Gameforge\Special Force 2\Binaries\Win32 [sample Directory]
3. Click Start Game
- Support Altab At Lobby
- Not Support Altab Ingame
- Support Windows XP
- Support Windows 7
- Support Windows 8
- Support Windows 10
- Before Download, Must Turn Off Anti virus and firewall
- Before Download, Setting UAC -> Never Notify me (windows 7 or higher)
- Before Download, must instal deepfreeze for avoid unknown installer
- or after DLoad clean your computer with AdwCleaner
Game Server
Playpark - SEA
- Singapore - Playpark
- Malaysia - Playpark
- Philipina - Playpark
- Indonesia- Playpark
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