- You can contact me on Skype if you have any questions or special requests [ Skype : rbommersheim ] -
VirusTotal : https://virustotal.com/de/file/4f1b1...is/1488072042/
Not compatible with Windows XP
Aimbot Hold Key = Mouse4
Aim Assistant = NUMPAD0 / F5
Bones = NUMPAD2 / F7
Info = NUMPAD3 / F8
Fast Trigger = NUMPAD4 / F9
Slow Trigger = NUMPAD5 / F10
Trigger Burst = NUMPAD6 / F11
Problem : Black Screen of Death
Solution : Use Google to find out how to enable Aero than make sure it looks like the picture below
Problem : I have Errors
Google Visual Studio 2015 runtimes, this redistrib will fix the errors
Use the HACK Safely follow the instructions below
1. Extract hack, Right-click the hack select 'properties'
2. Under the 'General' tab select 'Advanced' at the bottom
3. Un-check the top 2 boxes, and check the box: 'Encrypt contents to secure data' If its greyed out your Windows does not support this
Usage : Run Hack, than play Game in fullscreen windowed mode
- You can contact me on Skype if you have any questions or special requests [ Skype : rbommersheim ] -
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