- Move Menu
- Crosshair
- Unlimited Ammo
- Fire Speed
- No Spread
- ESP Box
- ESP Name
- ESP Line
- ESP Skeleteon
- No Recoil
- Fast Reload
- Quick Change
- Moving Speed
- Bug Mode
- Vote Kick Player
- Aim Hack
- Aim Part Hit
- Aim Key
- AimLock
- AimLock Part Hit
Must Delete Old / Expired File
1. DLoad and extract file
2. Replace File / Paste zlib1.dll at folder game
3. Start Game
- Backup zlib1.dll
- Before DLoad must instal deepfreeze for avoid unknown installer
- or after DLoad clean your computer with AdwCleaner
- Support Altab
- Support Windows XP
- Support Windows Vista
- Support Windows 7
Game Server
- Thailand
Download Now
Here: http://mediadisk2.net/go/view/1430938